Die Suche ergab 11 Treffer

von Activa
25.05.2020, 08:06
Forum: Zu verkaufen
Thema: 1964 L319 (L405) in Sweden
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 6193

Re: 1964 L319 (L405) in Sweden

Where in Sweden, i'm from Denmark and could be interested in buying the van.
von Activa
08.01.2020, 13:58
Forum: Restaurierungsdokumentationen und Reparaturanleitungen
Thema: Instandsetzung Kabine unseres Mikafa
Antworten: 46
Zugriffe: 40042

Re: Instandsetzung Kabine unseres Mikafa

Great work !

Is it possible for you to take the measurement for the windscreen in the middle ?
I want to make sure i have it right before i weld it all up again.
von Activa
21.03.2018, 17:00
Forum: Mercedes L319 allgemein
Thema: How to order at Kainzmaier ?
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 4234

How to order at Kainzmaier ?

I have been trying to order some parts for my 319 at Kainzmaier, i got a mail back with prices and accepted and asked how to pay so the parts can be send to me.
First writing in english then using google translate in german, but nothing seems to happen ?
So can anyone tell me how the normal ...
von Activa
15.03.2018, 20:35
Forum: Restaurierungsdokumentationen und Reparaturanleitungen
Thema: Abschleppwagen
Antworten: 67
Zugriffe: 68616

Re: Abschleppwagen

This is a very nice build, i can only hope my own will end out this good !
von Activa
15.03.2018, 14:21
Forum: Restaurierungsdokumentationen und Reparaturanleitungen
Thema: L319D 61' Restoration
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 10533

Re: L319D 61' Restoration

As a little sidejob i started to refurbish the heater, as i need to make a hole that fits it in the aquarium.
von Activa
13.03.2018, 10:23
Forum: Restaurierungsdokumentationen und Reparaturanleitungen
Thema: L319D 61' Restoration
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 10533

Re: L319D 61' Restoration

The aquarium is starting to take shape again.
Can't figure out how to turn the pictures the right way :?
von Activa
28.12.2017, 12:59
Forum: Restaurierungsdokumentationen und Reparaturanleitungen
Thema: L319D 61' Restoration
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 10533

Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Thanks for the comments

Harald2: I know it will be a turtle, but the car will only be used for special occasions so i try it out in the first place and then find out if it needs bigger engine.

As far as i can see the chassis is the same wether its a panelvan or just chassis. About the weight, the ...
von Activa
26.12.2017, 19:29
Forum: Restaurierungsdokumentationen und Reparaturanleitungen
Thema: L319D 61' Restoration
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 10533

Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Got to spent some time on the old Merc during the holidays.
von Activa
10.12.2017, 17:59
Forum: Restaurierungsdokumentationen und Reparaturanleitungen
Thema: L319D 61' Restoration
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 10533

Re: L319D 61' Restoration

I finally got the drivers cabin blasted where rust was found.
Repaired the bottom of the battery/drivers seat box, almost done with one of the doors, pictures will come.

Next weekend i should be able to spent some time cutting, shaping and hopefully welding some metal back in.
von Activa
09.01.2017, 14:43
Forum: Restaurierungsdokumentationen und Reparaturanleitungen
Thema: L319D 61' Restoration
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 10533

L319D 61' Restoration

This is my project: A L319D 61' which should end up as an autotransporter.

The green one will be donor car for the red one, as the body on the green is in very bad condition.
Now i am in the process of undoing the fenders and front from the body so it can be sandblastet in all those small corners ...