L319 Arrival Across the Water

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Registriert: 06.08.2017, 15:37
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L319 Arrival Across the Water

Beitrag von Robjota »

Hello to All 319 Enthusiasts

Finally after much researching and communications, my L319 is due to arrive this evening on Transporter.. I don't want to Jinx anything by being premature but I've waited this long (6 months) so fingers crossed..

It's a 67 model with the later diesel engine OM621 ? I think, Panel van and its got serious corrosion, particularly around the front A & B pillars and roof guttering..

Much as I'd like to be working on it, I'm currently building a workshop to house it properly ...

Much regards
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Beiträge: 145
Registriert: 06.08.2017, 15:37
Wohnort: UK

Re: L319 Arrival Across the Water

Beitrag von Robjota »

Hello All

A good day for me today, as I managed to spend a few hours on the Van, she now runs and moves under her own power. Had to work on the priming pump - new O ring, (if anyone know where you can buy one of these pumps new OM621 ??)

Currently just running briefly as the radiator has a hole in the matrix but the engine sounds pretty sweet..
Beiträge: 222
Registriert: 19.04.2015, 07:14
Wohnort: Bretagne (France)

Re: L319 Arrival Across the Water

Beitrag von panzerjim »

it's aliiiiiive !!!!!


good job and courage for the rust !!! :klatsch: :klatsch: :klatsch: :top:
we can't make new with old .... but we try 8)
Beiträge: 145
Registriert: 06.08.2017, 15:37
Wohnort: UK

Re: L319 Arrival Across the Water

Beitrag von Robjota »

Thanks Jim... I've seen worse I think
Removed the skeleton from the engine so it should smell better inside...