Just joined "thankyou"! and already have found this site a valuable source of information. I'm from a small town 80km west of London and have the time and desire to find and restore one of these vehicles. I see the for sale vehicles "linked" on here are somewhat cheaper than the adverts I had discovered previously so I now have to re calibrate my expenditure.
A question, what do you get in real world fuel consumption for the diesel ?
I have a bike to sell and then I will be looking for the right van for me.
regards Rob
New Forum Member on lookout for a restoration.
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Jeder der sich neu anmeldet im Forum, sollte sich hier kurz vorstellen um ein wenig aus der Anonymität des Internets hervorzutreten und ein wenig gute Manieren zu beweisen. Auch diejenigen die denken es kennt sie jeder, werden gebeten sich die Mühe zu machen und ein wenig über sich zu schreiben, da ja auch die Neuankömmlinge sicher gerne wissen würden mit wem sie es hier zu tun haben.
Re: New Forum Member on lookout for a restoration.
welcome here !
for the fuel consumption it's around 11L/100km . that was my consumption with an OM636 of 1.8L and empty van
for the fuel consumption it's around 11L/100km . that was my consumption with an OM636 of 1.8L and empty van

we can't make new with old .... but we try 

Re: New Forum Member on lookout for a restoration.
Hi, thanks, that equates to 30 mpg which is pretty impressive..