Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
Jeder der sich neu anmeldet im Forum, sollte sich hier kurz vorstellen um ein wenig aus der Anonymität des Internets hervorzutreten und ein wenig gute Manieren zu beweisen. Auch diejenigen die denken es kennt sie jeder, werden gebeten sich die Mühe zu machen und ein wenig über sich zu schreiben, da ja auch die Neuankömmlinge sicher gerne wissen würden mit wem sie es hier zu tun haben.
Jeder der sich neu anmeldet im Forum, sollte sich hier kurz vorstellen um ein wenig aus der Anonymität des Internets hervorzutreten und ein wenig gute Manieren zu beweisen. Auch diejenigen die denken es kennt sie jeder, werden gebeten sich die Mühe zu machen und ein wenig über sich zu schreiben, da ja auch die Neuankömmlinge sicher gerne wissen würden mit wem sie es hier zu tun haben.
Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
Hello Jim send the Pics from the Ocean to ELO for the new Calender ,He need some Pics .Next Week we see you at the 319 Meeting in Arzbach .
From the sunny Eifel Mani

Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
Autocross hat geschrieben:Hello Jim send the Pics from the Ocean to ELO for the new Calender
or name it 'blue dream in green grass' and sell as A0 poster. I'll buy one! So beautiful...

Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
i didn't find ELO on the forum :/
here more pictures of my trip of the day. this week end i'll open the four brake system to see why it doesn't brake so much :

new pics from the work on brakes at the end of the week end
here more pictures of my trip of the day. this week end i'll open the four brake system to see why it doesn't brake so much :

new pics from the work on brakes at the end of the week end

we can't make new with old .... but we try 

Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
Wow, nice pictures!
Where did you come from exactly?
In 2013 we were in Bretagne for 3 weeks with our 319er "Elliot"...
And this summer - maybe (on the way to Brittain)
Where did you come from exactly?
In 2013 we were in Bretagne for 3 weeks with our 319er "Elliot"...
And this summer - maybe (on the way to Brittain)

Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
i live in Landerneau near Brest
nice trip with your 319 ! i see you have tasted the rain in my city

nice trip with your 319 ! i see you have tasted the rain in my city

we can't make new with old .... but we try 

Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
Bonsoir Panzerjim
vraiment beau votre merc trois cent dix neuf....ou en france peut être on disais mercedes trois une neuf..
mais j'aime beaucoup mon vieille mercedes 319 en votre profil photo. C'est dans la neige...
nous aimons beaucoup la france
le bretagne c'est dans notre liste
mais beaucoup fois nous ne passerons pas la normandy...
parceque il y a beaucoup de beau plage la bas aussi..mon favorite "les petites dalles"
beaucoup de jours heureux en votre camion!
vraiment beau votre merc trois cent dix neuf....ou en france peut être on disais mercedes trois une neuf..
mais j'aime beaucoup mon vieille mercedes 319 en votre profil photo. C'est dans la neige...
nous aimons beaucoup la france
le bretagne c'est dans notre liste
mais beaucoup fois nous ne passerons pas la normandy...
parceque il y a beaucoup de beau plage la bas aussi..mon favorite "les petites dalles"
beaucoup de jours heureux en votre camion!
Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
Hello Jim,
Thanks for the pictures.
Didn't you have problems at the controle technique (TÜV) or do older cars don't need TÜV to register it?
In Germany you have to weld the fender or you can't get TÜV and register the car.
I love the original paint
sorry, your picture was in gallery for avatars and I don't know why, but so everyone could select it.
Now it is removed.
Moin Rob. Dein Bild war in der Avatargallerie anwählbar, ich habe keine Ahnung wie das dahin gekommen ist.
Ich hab es jetzt aus der Gallerie gelöscht und sollte nicht mehr falsch genutzt werden können.
Sorry dafür.
Thanks for the pictures.
Didn't you have problems at the controle technique (TÜV) or do older cars don't need TÜV to register it?
In Germany you have to weld the fender or you can't get TÜV and register the car.
I love the original paint

sorry, your picture was in gallery for avatars and I don't know why, but so everyone could select it.
Now it is removed.
Moin Rob. Dein Bild war in der Avatargallerie anwählbar, ich habe keine Ahnung wie das dahin gekommen ist.
Ich hab es jetzt aus der Gallerie gelöscht und sollte nicht mehr falsch genutzt werden können.
Sorry dafür.
Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
hallo elo
das war nicht ein grosses problem
viele grusse aus holland
bin jetzt an die Arbeit fur sonne energy auf mein 319 dach
aber doch schwierig was ich machen soll
weil das esthetisch nicht so schon ist
denke nun etwas einfach demontierbar sonne paneel zu machen
in combinationen mit ein flexibles paneel!
ciao rob
das war nicht ein grosses problem
viele grusse aus holland
bin jetzt an die Arbeit fur sonne energy auf mein 319 dach
aber doch schwierig was ich machen soll
weil das esthetisch nicht so schon ist
denke nun etwas einfach demontierbar sonne paneel zu machen
in combinationen mit ein flexibles paneel!
ciao rob
Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
it depends on the controller of TÜV center .... where i brind my vehicule, the controller is a friend so generally he is not a killer, he say to me what are the work to do to be in total security.
in france to have the TÜV your vehicule must have : 1) good brakes --- 2) all light does work ---- 3) no overweight
the body is secoundary, it will be mentionned but not an element which eliminates
in france to have the TÜV your vehicule must have : 1) good brakes --- 2) all light does work ---- 3) no overweight
the body is secoundary, it will be mentionned but not an element which eliminates
we can't make new with old .... but we try 

Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
heute, es war polish-time !
yesterday i repaired the front break system, the down-cylinder was jam, now it's OK ! (i forget to take pictures ...) and today i begin the polish ! tomorrow i'll finish the roof.
before/after on front face:

the side before:

the side after :

the other side :

the ass !
now we see more all the body default

the front finished:

with good product and good stuff you can catch a painting that almost 60 years!

tomorrow I finish polishing the roof then check up the rear brakes, I think that there is a leaking wheel cylinder .... and I have to disassemble to clean the inside of the drum in any way.
bye !
yesterday i repaired the front break system, the down-cylinder was jam, now it's OK ! (i forget to take pictures ...) and today i begin the polish ! tomorrow i'll finish the roof.
before/after on front face:

the side before:

the side after :

the other side :

the ass !

the front finished:

with good product and good stuff you can catch a painting that almost 60 years!

tomorrow I finish polishing the roof then check up the rear brakes, I think that there is a leaking wheel cylinder .... and I have to disassemble to clean the inside of the drum in any way.
bye !
we can't make new with old .... but we try 

Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
i've finished the polish ! he's quite perfect except the roof, i can't do rally better ....
i'll take pictures outside tomorrow.
and today i've been arrested by the police because i was driving with the sliding door open
and they said me i can drive the door open BUT !! i have to have a "security" chain .... so now it's ok !
with that :

i've made that

bye !

and today i've been arrested by the police because i was driving with the sliding door open

with that :

i've made that

bye !
we can't make new with old .... but we try 

Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
Safety first.
Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
i repair the rear brake because it doesen't work on right side, one of the cylinder was bloked , now it works !

tomorrow i'll repair the left side because i've got a leakage.
see you soon !

tomorrow i'll repair the left side because i've got a leakage.
see you soon !
we can't make new with old .... but we try 

Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
du bon travail !
Re: Jim aus Bretagne (FR) !
Hi great pictures thanks
"...in france to have the TÜV your vehicule must have : 1) good brakes --- 2) all light does work ---- 3) no overweight
what's up with steerfing in france ????
always a good ride
"...in france to have the TÜV your vehicule must have : 1) good brakes --- 2) all light does work ---- 3) no overweight
what's up with steerfing in france ????

always a good ride