L319D 61' Restoration

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Registriert: 10.06.2016, 10:49

L319D 61' Restoration

Beitrag von Activa »

This is my project: A L319D 61' which should end up as an autotransporter.

The green one will be donor car for the red one, as the body on the green is in very bad condition.
Now i am in the process of undoing the fenders and front from the body so it can be sandblastet in all those small corners, then i will start rebuilding the aquarium.

Greeting from Mark // Denmark
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Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Beitrag von panzerjim »

great job and good luck for the work to come ;)
we can't make new with old .... but we try 8)
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Registriert: 10.06.2016, 10:49

Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Beitrag von Activa »

I finally got the drivers cabin blasted where rust was found.
Repaired the bottom of the battery/drivers seat box, almost done with one of the doors, pictures will come.

Next weekend i should be able to spent some time cutting, shaping and hopefully welding some metal back in.
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Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Beitrag von Activa »

Got to spent some time on the old Merc during the holidays.
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Registriert: 19.04.2015, 07:14
Wohnort: Bretagne (France)

Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Beitrag von panzerjim »

awesome work of reconstruction !!! :o :o :o :klatsch: :klatsch: :klatsch:
we can't make new with old .... but we try 8)
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Registriert: 25.07.2014, 01:03

Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Beitrag von Harald2 »

Hello Denmark-Mark,

I like those pictures with body work and it seems that you are able to do what has to be done right.

I am afraid, however, that with the L 319 as a car transporter you will be overtaken by a turtle... :roll:

For your car transporter I think you need a chassis as a basic, not a self-supporting frame part from a bus or a panel truck.

Do you built a new frame or do you have one from a 319 or from another truck?

I have a car transporter based on a Mercedes series 310, type L 608 D with an OM 314 engine - and believe me, it is very slow when you put a car on it...

Which weight should the car have which you will transport with your L 319?

If you want please tell more about how you shape your plates. Which tools do you use to make them?

Kind regards to Denmark

Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 10.06.2016, 10:49

Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Beitrag von Activa »

Thanks for the comments :D

Harald2: I know it will be a turtle, but the car will only be used for special occasions so i try it out in the first place and then find out if it needs bigger engine.

As far as i can see the chassis is the same wether its a panelvan or just chassis. About the weight, the car have a total weight of 3900 kg, but here in Denmark the limit of a drivers license for normal cars is 3500 kg so it will be registered to this, it wont take large cars but a beetle and so should be fine.
I have a frame for the car, but will built a new one with the long wheelbase.

For shaping plates i use a beadroller, hammer and dolly, planishing hammer, templates i wooden plates, shrinker and stretcher.

I will soon post more
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Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Beitrag von Brad »

Awesome. Nice work :top:
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Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Beitrag von Robjota »

Hi Mark

Your metal fabrication work is exceptional and an inspiration to me. Good luck with it, and I'm sure improving the 0-100 km times is easier than metal fabrication..
Thanks for showing all the photos !

Rob (still waiting at the starting line)
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Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Beitrag von Olli »

it´s look like an nice project. Im interested by the next pictures.
Good luck
so long
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Registriert: 10.06.2016, 10:49

Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Beitrag von Activa »

The aquarium is starting to take shape again.
Can't figure out how to turn the pictures the right way :?
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Re: L319D 61' Restoration

Beitrag von Activa »

As a little sidejob i started to refurbish the heater, as i need to make a hole that fits it in the aquarium.
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